2017 Rewind | The year for India and The World

2017 gave us a new president,

And Australia, the right to love.

It was a year where worlds richest were displaced for a few moment,

And 65.6 million displaced from their countries permanently

Where ‘Iphone-X’ set some bigger goals to chase,

And #viruska raised the bars for weddings.

Our Mickey Mouse tamed the fox,

And a coin drove the global economy crazy.

Cassini left us with a new hope for life,

And the fastest man on earth with his enthralling records.

A messenger of god went behind the bars,

And a lot of silences broke with #metoo,

Salena and Francia inspired the true paradise of friendship,

And also the Paradise Papers happened.

Ears started bleeding due to ‘selfie maine le li aaj’,

And #despacito proved that lyrics are not important.

We witnessed a dragon melting the wall,

And Mexico witnessed the wall being made.

India wrote a new story with GST,

And we dealt with our own stories at WA, Insta & FB.

We welcomed Nokia to Android, and Apples to India,

But WannaCry came without any invitation.

It was a year of #104 for ISRO,

& 140+140 = #280 for twitter.

Some people played the Blue Whale,

And some just with their Fidget Spinners.

Here we reach the culmination of 2017.

The year of #manushichillar #kangana_controversies #memes #linkurAadhaar #sophia #covfefe #TripleTalaq #dualcamera #RIPChester #catalonia
So, now as we know why Katappa killed Bahubali,

Let’s ask something serious this coming year, like

Why Indians are still offended by a fictitious story of a Rajasthani Queen?

Let’s pray that this New Year fulfills a lot of dreams and brings prosperity to all.

Happy New Year!


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