Perspective of Life

“All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.” ― Edgar Allan Poe

This quote may have reminded you of the movie - Inception, which apart from winning four academy awards in 2011, proved that a movie doesn’t always have to be about beating the bad guys. Inception gave us an experience of the feeling to come out of ourselves and look at oneself objectively. This is where the role of perspective comes into play. A standard dictionary will define it as a way of seeing things but, in depth, perspective gives us the meaning we crave for in our lives. We can derive its biggest example from the film industry where, the same camera, same light, same make up brackets some as “A” grade and some “waisi wali picture”.

The entire nature of perspective is determined by the ground we stand in and view things from. It is mainly framed by our moral values and priorities in life. Most of the time, people adopt a perspective by the comfort they get out of it. The infamous religious perspective, so called “opium of the masses”, is one of it. This soothes the distress and suffering associated with their daily lives and converges their attention towards god and after-life rather than the worldly concerns.

Within the boundaries of functionalist, conflict and symbolic interactionist, about which the entire world of perspective revolves around, it influences nearly every good and bad thing in the world, from relationships to work life, from addictive habits like smoking, alcoholism to crimes like murders and suicides.

The perspective you hold decides your faith, emotion, reason, attitude and the character as a whole. Therefore it’s never too late to change ones perspective, above all we have just one life to live. Take time, be mindful and look back at some of your decisions sometimes, it muses and opens up a completely creative world before you. This little adjustment has the power to change your entire world and can lead to a more fulfilling and happier life.

The power of perspective has been left unexploited since years. At its core, it has the power to shift your negativity to an optimistic future. This change will teach you how to tackle situations as you grow and help you to understand others, leading to a less conflicted world. Hence, perspective is a beautiful thing, the earlier you understand its value in life, the kinder and thoughtful you will be for a happier life and society.


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