End of the World 1

This month The Story Villa gives you a glimpse of the end of the world. May the force be with you.

It is rightly said that human beings tend to gain enlightenment in the last days of his survival period. I am going through that same phase now.Today in these final days of my life, I am filled up with repentance.Repentance, because I never took my educations seriously.I didn't bother about studying, and therefore today I feel handicapped, due to my inability to express my last experience and situation properly. This is the last note written by me for those species of human beings, who can survive this Apocalypse, or for those advanced species, which mother nature will bring in to fill the gap after us.Those, who are advanced and super developed to cope up with this brand new form of our blue planet.

I managed to get some time out of the rituals and religious offerings going on these days around the globe, to protect their lives and the planet as a whole.It can be said that ultimately science didn't leave anything before us to rely upon as a lifesaver, instead, religion and belief, whose importance degraded with time, comforted the entire humanity in its last days.The whole human niche finally had to move on towards god and spirits, seeking a way out, in search of the antidote for healing their fear.Our past may surround us with dates and number of world war and battles, but, at the end, it was a culture which sheltered half of the population together. Whatever it is whether there will be the arrival of some superhero to save the world or some supernatural power will undo the inevitable, I didn't want to miss my chance of hugging my parents the last time for doing so much for me. I might not have expressed it all earlier, but I felt this to be the right time to convey it. Interestingly, every time I express my emotions of gratitude, thankfulness, their degree of terror and tension rises.

End of the World 2


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