Heart touching story of a dumb boy 1

This month The Story Villa dives into one of the pathetic stories ever written. This is the heart touching story of a dumb boy and his sufferings in this cruel world.
Some incidences happen in your life which digs up an irrecoverable impression of yours in past. When memories are recalled these incidences outshine every good time spent.It reflects back the darker side of us, hits our wound of separation from our true self and laughs loudly on our actions of covering it up.One such incident happened to me when I was a helper in the Iowa asylum.They were sick from their brains receive hospitality and care from us.Our job is to control them for which we use shocks, murderous anger, and sticks.The kind heart never even exists there as there lies the clear fact that it will never be repaid and above all its never going to help us anyway.
That was a Saturday winter evening.I was returning back with my earnings that day, not with them as usual joy like everyone else possesses but with the usual rude get up demanded by my job.Mechanically moving ahead on the laid road, counting all my gained pennies that will be quenching my thirst, hunger, and everything and make me drag some more days in life.I was so much devoted to it that I didn't notice when a banana peel got on my feet and I rumbled down into the road.It would surely have been a piece of comedy in public place, I took a sigh of relief when felt none nearby at first sight.Paper notes scattered helplessly around me after losing the place where they worth to be.Suddenly a wind stroked me, comfortingly surrounding my tension with its soothing sensation.When I turned back it was a human creature and of my wonder a man who raced greedily and tried collecting my earnings, taking advantage of my solitude.He is a matter of time grabbed in his hands nearly half of the notes till I could stand up and shout to make him feel the owners' presence. I was about to rush and grab him around my arms.I also made myself ready for a strong fight or an energetic chase but, his next action gave me a Thundershock to my firmly laid preconceptions. He unbelievably turned and submitted the money back to me.By then it was just an abnormal track of innocence and honesty what my eyes could witness.As he turned it was the first time I got to look his face.He was horrifyingly bearded and if minutely observed, there lied a clean, fair white skin with a lovely face cut underneath. He had blue eyes and pinkish lips.It seemed as if nature had spent the perfect time to make him, but his state admitted that he didn't know his worth.His torn clothes, unshaved face and infected feets due to the absence of sleepers reflected that he was truly not from a well to do family.A smile while his submission of that money smeared his face as if it was given in compensation of that smile he missed during my fall.The incident deserved a big vibrant laugh from my side for my foolishness, but before I could make up my mood and overcome my usual character he paced towards his destination.He went too fast as if he had some urgent stuff to finish.He didn't wait for my thank you but I did my formality shouting thanks to him from the backside.I asked him his name but he didn't reply and went straight.He seemed too busy, I too got back to my journey and determined to repay him by a help one day.

Heart touching story of a dumb boy 2


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